Available investment projects


Meet the projects that are in their initial phase and need an investor like you, we give you the opportunity to become the investor of our innovative projects with cutting-edge technologies (IoT, artificial intelligence, photovoltaic solar energy and more).


Be part of the technologies of the future. Invest!


Mobile application for buying coffee, renting land for cultivation and producers. It gives you the opportunity to be a coffee grower with the best Colombian land.

Digital platform for entrepreneurs. It allows sellers to publish their products, and buyers have the option of "tester" via AI and 3D technology.

Lower limb garment to treat lymphedema in people, it works as a pressotherapy and pressure levels are adjusted in its mobile application, which has many other functions.

Renewable energy technological 

devices, energy efficiency analysis in companies, solar and wind power systems, pumping and 

cooling systems.

Human Bionics

In the NEWS

Human Bionics supera barreras para financiar su innovación.

Este emprendimiento representará a Colombia este año en un certamen internacional de startup en Chile. Ya ganó el Gran Desafío de la Inversión.

Innovación "made in" Colombia.

Human Bionics se ha especializado en lo que Escalante define a Portafolio como “el internet de las cosas” o sea “productos a partir de software (apps) con hardware (prototipos)”.